Energy and Gas Blog

What is Energy Deregulation?

It is not complicated, substitute the word “choice or option” for deregulation, we have just simplified energy deregulation. In regulated states, people do not have a choice, the choice is made for them, they sign up and pay the fees, no options. Deregulation has changed this for the residents of Illinois.

Residents in Illinois have the option to choose the company that supplies their energy, thus making suppliers compete for business. The competition creates things such as lower prices, flexible contract terms and renewable energy mix/combination.

Regardless of your choice, the local utility/company will deliver power, maintain the lines, read meters, and send a monthly all-inclusive electricity bill to customers. Deregulation is for Illinois residents to save money on their energy costs (gas and electricity).

Now, all that needs to be done is to contact Root66.Energy and let us go over the options you have and reduce your monthly costs.

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